Chateau Marmont Los Angeles

The Chateau Marmont is not only a hotel in Hollywood, but it is a legend which has served as the backdrop for a number of events in the lives of well-known stars.. Jean Harlow carried on an affair with Clark Gable while honeymooning here with her husband, John Belushi overdosed and died here, When Montgomery Clift was almost killed in a  auto accident Elizabeth Taylor brought him to Chateau, Scott Fitzgerald suffered a heart-attack, Red Hot Chili Peppers recorded his vocals for “By the Way” in this hotel. Colin Farrell was once caught making out with Britney Spears here and it goes on and on and on for almost 70 years. A medical malpractice attorney is a very important person in society. This is because they play a major role to advocate for the rights of those who have suffered. Medical malpractice centers on the negligence or the failure of a medical practitioner to provide adequate treatment leading to injuries and compromises with regard to income earning capacity of the victim. Contact to Queens Attorney for legal advice. When a doctor fails in his duty to uphold the required standards, there are consequences which will need the right dose of justice. A malpractice attorney is able to prepare a case in an accurate manner for victims so that they can have the law work in their favor. For a lawyer to win, they will have to work with the medical systems and the medical law so that they can structure their case with the needed backing with regard to evidence.


This is the first thing to consider when hiring a medical malpractice attorney and whether or not they think settling the claim at the courts or with the other party is right or wrong. On the personal part, it is imperative to gather all the necessary information concerning the particular accident that caused medical expenses to be incurred. If possible outline every detail recalled, give information about the available witnesses, insurer, police officers and so on. Medical malpractice can be described as the professional negligence by either commission or act by a health care provider. In this situation, the care that is provided deviates from the standards of practices that are accepted in the medical community and this may result in death or injury to the patient. Medical practices’ regulations and standards may vary by countries. Professionals in the medical field are obliged to have a liability insurance that would be helpful to the practitioner offsetting the lawsuits costs that may arise from medical malpractices. Any provider of health care is liable for medical malpractices if he or she does not adhere to the care standards.

Built in 1927 and modeled loosely after the Château d’Amboise in France’s Loire Valley by Fred Horowitz, a local attorney. His project turned into the Chateau Marmont, named for the street running across the back of the property.  It opened in February 1929 as an apartment house, but high rents and the Depression kept renters away. In 1931 the building was changed to a hotel. The hotel was bought in 1990 and managed by Andre Balazs properties and it’s been continuing  a hot spot ever since.
Nine cottages were built in the 1930s next to the hotel, which were acquired by the hotel in the 1940s. Two of the 4 bungalows at the Chateau Marmont were designed by Craig Ellwood in 1956 after he completed Case Study Houses. The bungalows are like miniature case study houses
The hotel also has an exclusive, reservations-only restaurant serving California and Eclectic cuisine. The chef is Caryolynn Spence, originally of New York’s Spotted Pig.[3] The Chateau Marmont has catered to a large celebrity clientele over its 90 year history. You’ll see them here wearing sexy cocktail dresses.






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